Article de santé publique

L`efficacité des interventions psychologiques et/ou éducatives pour prévenir l`apparition des épisodes de dépression : une revue des revues systématiques et méta-analyses.

Examiner l'évaluation de la qualité : 9 (strong)

Référence: Bellon J.A., Moreno-Peral P., Motrico E., Rodriguez-Morejon A., Fernandez A., Serrano-Blanco A., et al. (2015). Effectiveness of psychological and/or educational interventions to prevent the onset of episodes of depression: A systematic review of systematic reviews and meta-analyses. Preventive Medicine, 76, S22-S32.

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Résumé (en anglais)

OBJECTIVE: To determine the effectiveness of psychological and/or educational interventions to prevent the onset of episodes of depression.
METHODS: Systematic review of systematic reviews and meta-analyses (SR/MA). We searched PubMed, PsycINFO, Cochrane Database of Systematic Reviews, OpenGrey, and PROSPERO from their inception until February 2014. Two reviewers independently evaluated the eligibility criteria of all SR/MA, abstracted data, and determined bias risk (AMSTAR).
RESULTS: Twelve SR/MA (156 non-repeated trials and 56,158 participants) were included. Of these, 142 (91%) were randomized-controlled, 13 (8.3%) controlled trials, and 1 (0.6%) had no control group. Five SR/MA focused on children and adolescents, four on specific populations (women after childbirth, of low socioeconomic status, or unfavorable circumstances; patients with severe traumatic physical injuries or stroke) and three addressed the general population. Nine (75%) SR/MA concluded that interventions to prevent depression were effective. Of the 156 trials, 137 (87.8%) reported some kind of effect size calculation. Effect sizes were small in 45 (32.8%), medium in 26 (19.1%), and large in 25 (18.2%) trials; 41 (29.9%) trials were not effective. Of the 141 trials for which follow-up periods were available, only 34 (24.1%) exceeded 12. months.
CONCLUSION: Psychological and/or educational interventions to prevent onset of episodes of depression were effective, although most had small or medium effect sizes.


Adolescents, Adultes, communauté, domicile, Éducation ou sensibilisation et perfectionnement professionnel ou formation, Enfants d’âge préscolaire, Enfants d’âge scolaire, méta-analyse, milieu de soins de santé, Personnes âgées, Santé mentale et bien-être, Soutien social

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